Battery Run Times Explained

Unfortunately this question does not have a clear simple answer. The easiest way to visualize is to compare a laptop and its battery to a car and its gas tank.  In a car there are many factors that will determine your gas mileage; things like speed, driving habits, environmental conditions, amount of weight in the car, options, equipment, etc.  A gas tank supplier can say that a tank holds 10 gallons, however they really cannot say exactly how fast a particular car will take to burn through that 10 gallons of gas.  This problem eventually prompted the government to step in and mandate standardized mileage tests for cars.

Unlike cars, there are no standardized tests for laptop battery run time.  Laptop manufacturers can use any test methodology that they want so results are usually unrealistic, overstated, and always carry a lengthy disclaimer to say that they may be completely inaccurate.  Without a reliable source for battery run time data a battery supplier can only supply an educated guess.

The best way to estimate run time is to compare battery ratings with our own experience.  This method will be the most accurate because your experience will reflect your individual computer configuration and usage patterns. A replacement battery with the same watt-hour rating will produce the same run times as you experienced when your old battery was new.  If the new battery has different ratings, the difference in run time will be directly proportional to the difference in capacity.  You can use this information to make an educated guess about the run time of a replacement battery.

Estimating Run Times Based Upon Power Consumption & Battery Capacity
Laptop's Average
Power Consumption (Watts)
32Wh 4-Cell
48Wh 6-cell
65Wh 8-cell
74Wh 9-cell
97Wh 12-cell

Using this chart you can estimate the run time of a different battery.  For example if your current battery is a 48Wh 6-cell battery and ran for about 2 hours when it was brand new then your average power consumption is close to 25W.  If you follow the 25W line to the right you will see that a 74Wh 9-cell battery will give you about 2.96 hours and a 97Wh 12-cell battery will give you about 3.88 hours.  This is only a ballpark estimate and the accuracy is dependent upon your actual average power consumption and the actual ratings of the replacement battery.  Note that the watt-hour ratings are representative of common battery configurations and will not match all batteries with the same number of cells.